Goleuadau Artist : PlasHeli Academi Hwylio Cenedlaethol Cymru a Chanolfan Digwyddiadau, Pwllheli

Artist Lighting: Plas Heli Welsh National Sailing Acedemy & Events Centre, Pwllheli

Plas Heli Visualisation

Cefndir / About

The artist call for Expressions of Interest for Celf Plas Heli Art ended on 12th January 2014 and artist Jessica Lloyd-Jones was selected at interview on 19th January.

Lleolir yr Academi yn Mhenrhyn Glan Don, Pwllheli, rhwng y prif ffordd a’r traeth cyfagos. Gan fod y gwaith yn ymwneud ag elfennau allanol a mewnol adeilad yr Academi, disgwylir bydd yr ardal o gwmpas yr adeilad a’r amgylchedd yn cael budd o’r prosiect. Cefnogir y prosiect gan Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru a’r Rhanddeiliaid.
The proposed building for the Welsh National Sailing Academy and Events Centre (Plas Heli) is located on the Glan Don estate area of Pwllheli Harbour, located between the main road and the nearby beach. As the proposed works will involve potentially external and internal elements of the Academy building, it is expected that both the area surrounding the new building and the environment within
will benefit from this unique project. The project is fully backed by Arts Council Wales and the Stakeholders.

Bydd yr Academi newydd yn darparu canolfan i ddatblygu digwyddiadau hwylio ar lefelau Cenedlaethol, Ewropeaidd, a Byd Eang; atynnu ymwelwyr dros y môr, a chyflwyno gweithgareddau newydd i’r ardal. Dros y tymor hir bydd yr adeilad newydd yn darparu pwynt canolog i weithgareddau Academi Hwylio Cenedlaethol Cymru a chreu sylfaen i sicrhau llwyddiant yn y dyfodol. 

Bydd y comisiwn yn gwella y profiad cyhoeddus ac amgylchedd o fewn yr adeilad ac felly’n cynyddu ei gymeriad cyffredinol. Rydym wedi ystyried elfennau fel goleuadau allanol, a/neu goleuadau mewnol nodweddol, y rhyngwyneb cyhoeddus allanol a mewnol a pheth elfennau gwybodaeth. Fel nodwedd barhaol o’r adeilad newydd bydd yn ddisgwyliedig i’r comisiwn gael rôl esthetig a phwrpasol. 

Fel rhan o brosiect yr Academi bydd y comisiwn celf cyhoeddus hwn yn dilyn canllawiau prosiect sefydledig ar ymrwymiadau a chyfathrebu cyhoeddus fel a osodir a chytunir gyda WEFO. Annogir yr Arlunydd a gomisiynir i weithio’n agos gyda Rhanddeiliaid a’r gymuned eang pan yn bosibl i sicrhau perthynas a chydweithrediad ar y cyd.

The proposed Plas Heli project will realise the identified potential of the location as a centre for excellence for sailing events, training and activities in the area. The new Academy will provide a centre to develop sailing events at national, European and worldwide levels; attract new visitors by sea and introduce new activities to the area. Over the long term, the new building will provide the central focal point for the proposed activities of the Welsh Sailing Academy and provide the foundation upon which the legacy of its participants success may be built upon.

The proposed commission will improve and enhance the public experience and building environment thereby increasing its overall character. We have considered an element such as external lighting and/or internal feature lighting, the public interface internally and externally and some informational elements. As a permanent feature of the new building, the proposed commission is expected to have both aesthetic and functional roles.

As a part of Plas Heli, this public art commission will follow established project guidelines for public engagement and communications. The commissioned artist will be encouraged to engage wherever possible with the stakeholders and the wider community to ensure engagement with the commission and the Plas Heli project as a whole.

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