Goleuadau Artist : PlasHeli Academi Hwylio Cenedlaethol Cymru a Chanolfan Digwyddiadau, Pwllheli

Artist Lighting: Plas Heli Welsh National Sailing Acedemy & Events Centre, Pwllheli

Plas Heli Visualisation

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Oriel Myrddin Trust, Carmarthen seeks Artist Expressions of Interest for Oriel Myrddin Gallery in Carmarthen


Oriel Myrddin Trust, Carmarthen seeks expressions of interest from artists wishing to work as part of the design team for the renovation of Oriel Myrddin Gallery in Carmarthen Town Centre.

This is an excellent opportunity for an artist to make a real contribution to the design of an important part of the town’s cultural life and a critical building within the town’s regeneration. The appointed artist will be expected to bring a new perspective to the design team crossing traditional skills boundaries and linking different design disciplines.

With a fee of £4,000, the appointed artist will be encouraged to think laterally about how the Gallery will function, how it connects to the rest of the town centre and how users of the facility will interact with it. As part of the commission, the appointed artist will support the presentation of the project to the Arts Council Wales.

The brief and supporting documents are available on request from
Catherine Spring, Gallery Manager

All enquires should be sent by email, no enquiries by telephone.

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